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Articles Read the latest analyst insights and expert opinions from Euromonitor.



Rigid Plastics’ Circularity: Demand for Renewable Packaging Intensifies

Rosemarie Downey

Rosemarie Downey

20 Sep 24

There is ever-growing expectation for sustainable packaging. The search for better is reflected in consumer sentiment and regulatory attention. The focus on plastic goes wide with regulation increasingly the lever used to secure more rapid progress on the road towards a circular economy.


How E-Commerce Is Reshaping the Cola Wars

Rabia Yasmeen

Rabia Yasmeen

20 Sep 24

The cola wars between Coca-Cola and Pepsi have long defined the global soft drinks industry. The two market leaders have continuously reshaped the carbonated drinks business through product innovation and marketing, leading to intense competition and unusually high levels of brand loyalty. However, digitisation and changing consumer preferences are leading to structural shifts in cola carbonates, setting up a new showdown between the market leaders as they need to rethink where and how to play.


Consumer Microsegmenting for Success: South Korea Duty-Free's Post-Pandemic Loyalty Overhaul

Prudence Lai

Prudence Lai

18 Sep 24

Post-pandemic travellers have shifted their shopping behaviours and preferences, prompting duty-free retailers to rethink their consumer engagement strategies to foster recovery and growth. In response, South Korean duty-free operators have introduced new loyalty programmes tailored to specific consumer microsegments, offering more personalised benefits. To thrive, brands are moving away from a one-size-fits-all model in the design and management of their loyalty schemes.


Car Rental: Three Trends Driving Future Business Competitiveness

Fransua Vytautas Razvadauskas

Fransua Vytautas Razvadauskas

13 Sep 24

Car rental brands need to prioritise three commercial areas to improve future competitiveness: advance new models of flexible ownership, implement more convenient online rentals and progressively adopt AI and big data applications in various business processes. The three trends will play an important role in articulating new sources of income, while also helping to reduce overhead costs in the long run.


Understanding the Pursuit of Value Megatrend in the Australian Beauty Market

Icey Huang

Icey Huang

13 Sep 24

Despite navigating through the post-pandemic landscape and grappling with persistent high inflation and economic challenges, the Australian beauty and personal care market remains resilient and vibrant. Key factors such as affordability, efficacy, holistic health and wellness, and purposeful purchasing continue to drive market development. This article examines how brands and retailers are responding to these trends.


Traveller Segmentation: The Expanding Role of Cultural Explorers in Shaping Global Tourism

Christy Tawii

Christy Tawii

13 Sep 24

The global travel industry is expected to experience unprecedented growth in 2024, with 1.5 billion international trips forecast to generate a record-breaking USD1.9 trillion in tourism spending. Yet travel dynamics have changed profoundly due to global events such as the pandemic, wellness and sustainability and rapid technological advances.


How Understanding Consumer Habits Uncovers White Space Opportunities for Innovation

Anna Nelson

Anna Nelson

12 Sep 24

Innovation continues to be at the forefront of companies’ strategies, but how to uncover those fresh ideas and opportunities is often difficult. A pathway to discovering where and how to innovate lies in better understanding the habits, opinions, and needs of consumers. There are often opportunities where consumers can’t find a solution, leading to white spaces for companies to deliver on that competitors might not have explored yet.


Key Takeaways on the World Market for Cannabis

Lucas Pinto

Lucas Pinto

10 Sep 24

Cannabis is probably the most disruptive and dynamic fmcg industry of them all. Regulatory changes have become more frequent across various regions, with most of them leaning towards wider liberation and acceptance. More and more consumers are turning to cannabis for different reasons, and a greater diversity of products has been emerging.


How to Be a Disruptive Brand

Euromonitor International

Euromonitor International

9 Sep 24

Disruption is the new norm, challenging established global brands to stay ahead of the curve. Here are tools you can use to keep up with the pace of change and innovation.
