North America

Read the latest insight and see full market statistics for the US...

Read the latest insight and see full market statistics for the US and Canada, for a comprehensive understanding of shifting consumer preferences and how industries are expected to develop in two of the most affluent, innovative and highest demand cou...

Strategy Briefing

Digital Consumer Survey 2020: Key Insights

Jun 2020

Technological advances are creating unprecedented change across consumer-facing industries. The Digital Consumer Survey, fielded in March and April, offers insight into the pace and depth of this evolution, tracking consumer behaviour, attitudes,…

USD 1,325
Strategy Briefing

Digital Innovators: Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

Jun 2020

As the creative economy broadens its horizons, with wider applications in commerce, immersive technologies such as AR/VR are at the forefront of engagement in digital eco-systems. Leveraging Digital Consumer Survey Data and the Voice of Industry…

USD 1,325
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