Our team of specialists in Vilnius have identified two of Euromonitor’s Global Consumer Trends which are having the biggest impact on Eastern Europe.
Our recent Voice of The Consumer: Lifestyle Survey indicates that over 30% of consumers in Europe intend to put more money aside for savings in 2022. At the same time, over 50% of surveyed Europeans report value for money as a factor of choice when buying household essentials.
The US dominates the global cannabis market, generating 81% total value share in 2021. At the same time, European countries account for 8% share of worldwide value following Canada with 9%. Poland is responsible for an 8% value share of European countries; adult-use is prohibited by law, medical cannabis is only legal with a prescription, while CBD is freely available.
The global economy faces new headwinds following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, while the COVID-19 pandemic is not yet over. The war in Ukraine and its resulting sanctions imposed on Russia are projected to cause accelerated energy and commodity prices, further disruptions in global supply chains and reduced business and consumer confidence.
The podcast will explore consumers preferences in the market of Eastern Europe, including the Baltics region. Are Eastern European consumers ready to prioritize sustainability in their purchase decisions?
COVID-19 has accelerated online presence and integration of digital solutions to minimise physical human contact. With an abundant pool of IT and tech graduates, well-developed digital landscape and relatively competitive wages, Central and Eastern Europe and especially Poland are being eyed by potential investors as the next Silicon Valley.
※本記事は英語でもご覧頂けます:Global Consumer Trends in Eastern Europe ユーロモニターが発行した『2021年 世界の消費者トレンド』レポートが示すように、新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)は消費者の行動に大きな影響を与え、企業は戦略の再調整と新たな需要への対応を迫られている。今回のパンデミックは世界的なトレンドを形成している一方、消費者の反応は地域によって違いが見られている。ユーロモニターのヴィリニュス支社の専門家チームは、前述の『2021年…
As Euromonitor’s Global Consumer Trends 2021 show, Coronavirus (COVID-19) has had a profound impact on consumer behaviour, forcing businesses to readjust strategies and accommodate newfound demand. While the pandemic has shaped trends on a global…
Changing expectations on when and how products are consumed is a valuable way for companies to generate interest among consumer groups. In the yoghurt category, European companies such as Q focus on indulgence while still being healthy. The Biotiful…