Considering the likelihood of further economic instability in South Africa heading into the forecast period, the outlook for cigars is pessimistic. More affluent consumers or inbound tourists are only likely to indulge in cigars during special occasions, as their purchase is not considered a priority.
Following the weak performance by some brands from Cuban player Corporación Habanos in 2023 due to significant price increases, consumers of cigars are likely to be increasingly attracted to brands manufactured in the Dominican Republic, such as Davidoff, with the latter gaining retail volume share at the end of the review period, while also recording positive sales growth.
Towards the end of the review period, South Africa’s government implemented regulations that affected both pricing and sales volumes of cigars, reducing the potential market size and affordability of this small category. Firstly, under the updated excise tax regime, a near double-digit percentage cost was added to the excise taxes for cigars.
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Cigars, Cigarillos and Smoking Tobacco
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