After a period of disruption, volume sales of cigars, cigarillos and smoking tobacco in the US are set to slowly stabilise, but continue their downwards trend, in line with the rest of the combustible products in the tobacco industry. While little movement is expected in volume sales of smoking tobacco, the decline expected for cigars and cigarillos will continue, as more consumers opt for alternative products.
As in cigarettes, a potential ban on flavoured cigars could have a tremendous impact on sales in the category, but an even more dramatic impact, as flavoured products represent more than 50% of sales of cigars and cigarillos. Cigars has been successful in challenging other legal limitations, such as the recent victory over the FDA on the application of the deeming rule as applied to cigars, which will allow the category to no longer have to struggle with limitations such as warning labels and premarket review.
With the combination of migration and demographic change, smoking tobacco has an opportunity to attract and capitalise on the increasing number of consumers by offering high-end products that resonate with consumer preferences. Similar to what is seen in other categories and industries, brands that show authenticity, clear brand identity, a strong online presence, and have some form of trend behind them can capitalise on high growth by attracting a large number of consumers quickly.
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Cigars, Cigarillos and Smoking Tobacco
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