Due to the low popularity of cigars and cigarillos and rising prices brought on by higher government taxes, sales of these products will continue to decline in Ireland, both in terms of volume and value. This will cause cigars' value sales to decline even more regardless of their rising costs, and cigarillos' value growth to remain flat over the forecast period.
Innovation in cigars, cigarillos, pipe tobacco, and fine cut tobacco has been consistently diminishing over the past decade, completely dropping off following the Irish government's 2020 total ban on flavoured tobacco, which primarily affected fine cut tobacco. This is making it more difficult for these segments to stay competitive against the next-generation tobacco products like e-vapour products.
As part of the Tobacco-Free Ireland programme, which aims to eradicate smoking from the country, the Irish government raises taxes on tobacco products year after year. Although its main focus is cigarette consumption, it also has an impact on other tobacco products like cigars, cigarillos, pipe tobacco, and fine cut tobacco.
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Cigars, Cigarillos and Smoking Tobacco
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