The online sale of smoking tobacco and cigars and cigarillos is prohibited by law. Nonetheless, while the online sale and marketing of tobacco products are prohibited in Slovenia, there are cigar shops that continue to promote their businesses online, without offering a buying option.
Hand-rolled cigars are expected to become more popular in the future with more affluent consumers expected to increasingly seek out these products which are appreciated for their craftsmanship and quality as well as the status that they afford. They are also perceived as a more luxury product which makes them ideal for special occasions or as a gift for friends or business associates.
Sales of fine cut tobacco have been benefiting from the prevailing economic uncertainty in Slovenia with high inflation having pushed smokers towards more affordable alternatives to cigarettes. However, with inflation set to stabilise from 2024 and with Slovenia’s economy projected to improve it is anticipated that demand for fine cut tobacco will start to drop again in the second half of the forecast period.
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Cigars, Cigarillos and Smoking Tobacco
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