The market for cigars, cigarillos and smoking tobacco in Greece will see a further decline in volume sales over the forecast period. While the rate of inflation has begun to ease, disposable incomes will remain under pressure, due to the high costs of energy and food items.
The continued migration of smokers towards heated tobacco and e-vapour products is set to gather pace over the forecast period, as tobacco manufacturers shift their focus to these new-generation offerings. This will affect the performance of fine cut tobacco, leading to losses in volume.
The worldwide shortage in Cuban cigars, exacerbated by the devasting effects of Hurricane Ian in October 2022, will continue to have a considerable impact on the market in the short term. Firstly, there is likely to be a further rise in retail prices, as demand continues to outstrip supply, Cigar aficionados will be more than prepared to pay a premium for their favourite Cuban cigars, when they manage to find them.
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Cigars, Cigarillos and Smoking Tobacco
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