The cigar market is expected to record further significant growth during the forecast period despite its high prices, driven by the strong demand for these premium products that are a symbol of a high social status. Growth in 2024 will also be fuelled by presidential elections in the first half of the year as participation of people in political events generally encourages increased cigar consumption in the country.
Rising demand for cigars is also being driven by the efforts of producer associations at the national level, as well as the support of government entities that seek to promote markets, both international and domestic, for tobacco products, which are important crops in the Dominican economy as they generate employment. In July 2022, Law 341-22 was approved, declaring Dominican tobacco and cigars as cultural heritage of the Dominican Republic and establishing their promotion, preservation and development as being of national interest.
With greater dynamism expected in the cigar market over the forecast period, competition is expected to increase. It is likely that established brands will have more opportunities as they offer recognised products and several of them are launching new products, such as special anniversary editions (La Aurora).
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